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  • Medicaid Provider Alert: Provider revalidation has begun and those not completing the process risk disenrollment.  Check your account now to learn when your revalidation is due. More information here.

Provider Notice Issued 09/07/2022

Date:   September 7, 2022                                                                                 

To:      Long Term Care Facilities - Nursing Facilities (NF)

Re:      FY 2023 ARPA Funding to Nursing Facilities


The FY 23 Illinois State Budget includes a total of $225 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for nursing facilities. Funding will be paid on a quarterly basis with one-fourth ($56.25 million) of the available funding being distributed each quarter. 

Healthcare and Family Services has established a rate to distribute the funding using the latest available staffing data for total nurse hours. Each grantee's share of the quarterly $56.25 million distribution reflects its share of total nursing hours for the most recently available quarter. 

Staffing levels for the initial quarterly distribution were based on nursing hours from the federal Payroll Based Journal (PBJ) beginning for 1Q2022. Future quarterly distributions will utilize total nursing hours from the PBJ for 2Q2022, 3Q2022 and 4Q2022. 

HFS has posted the grant award amounts to the ARPA payments webpage and completed notifications to providers for the first quarterly grant agreement. Providers that have not received notification of a grant agreement or who have questions should contact HFS via email to



Kelly Cunningham, Administrator

Division of Medical Programs