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Provider Notice Issued 05/14/2021

Date:    May 14, 2021


To:       Enrolled Dental Providers


Re:      All Kids School Dental Program Update       





This notice informs dental providers that the temporarypostponement of the All Kids School Dental Program for this school year hasbeen lifted. This change affects dental providers treating children coveredunder both traditional fee-for-service and HealthChoice Illinois managed care plans. The postponement was necessary dueto the implications of the public health emergency as a result of COVID-19.


The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services(HFS) has worked closely with the Illinois Department of Public Health (DPH) toassess opportunities that support children and their families’ oral healthduring this challenging time. Although there continues to be a public emergencyin place, HFS and DPH agree that if possible, it is beneficial to have the AllKids School Dental Program available to school districts, day care centers andHead Start programs that will allow dental providers to come back into theirfacilities.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stateon its School Sealant Programs webpage that school sealant programs are a veryeffective way to provide preventive oral health services to children who are athigher risk of developing cavities and less likely to receive private dentalcare. The All Kids School Dental Program can be safely restarted with adherenceto the guidance issued by the CDC. Providers should workclosely with school administration and local public health officials indetermining the timeline and a plan for restarting school-based dentalservices. Considerationsfor School Sealant Programs During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)Pandemic offers important information for service providers and schooladministrators to review and follow.


Questions regarding this notice may be directed to theBureau of Professional and Ancillary Services at 877-782-5565, your DentaQuestprovider representative or the appropriate HealthChoiceIllinois plan.




Kelly Cunningham, Administrator

Division of Medical Programs​