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Provider Notice Issued 01/15/2021

Date:     January 15, 2021


To:       Physicians, Nurses, Podiatrists, Audiologists, Dentists, SpeechTherapists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Behavioral HealthClinics, Birthing Centers, Long Term Care Providers, Hospitals, FederalQualified Health Clinics, Encounter Rate Clinics, Rural Health Clinics,Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Centers, Transportation Providers, Hospice,Laboratory, Early Intervention Services, Community Mental Health Providers, SchoolBased Health Services, Supportive Living Facilities, Waivers


Re:      HFS CARESProgram Reporting Deadline Extension



This provider notice is issued to alert subrecipients of the IllinoisDepartment of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) CARES Program supported bythe CARES Act Department of Treasury Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) to anextension of the final reporting deadline in Section III.G.3 “Final Reporting”of the subaward agreements executed between the subrecipient and HFS. 


HFS CARES Final Reporting Deadline Extension

HFS has extended the final reporting deadline from January 31, 2021 toMarch 29, 2021 in order to allow time for closeout and reconciliation.Post-award reporting will occur through the HFS CARES Portal. Additional details on thesubmission of reporting will be forthcoming shortly and will be communicated tosubrecipients through email, provider notices and the HFS

CARES Portal


HFS will provide a template with instructions for subrecipients toreport expenditures. Requests for supporting documentation will also becommunicated. HFS encourages subrecipients to review and consider theillustrative list of documentation published in the Treasury guidance forexamples of the types of documentation which HFS may require subrecipients toprovide to support their expenditures. See page 4 of the Treasury guidance.


All unspent subaward funds must be returned to the Department at thefollowing address: 


Receipt Accounting at Illinois Department of Healthcare and FamilyServices

Bureau of Fiscal Operations

2200 Churchill Road A-2

Springfield, Illinois 62702



Kelly Cunningham, Administrator

Division of Medical Programs
