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Provider Notice Issued 04/08/2020

*This notice was revised April 10, 2020, to state this information regarding transportation prior approval requests and claims for participants does apply to HealthChoice Illinois managed care plans and the Medicare/Medicaid Alignment Initiative (MMAI) plans. All other information remains the same. 


Date:    April 8, 2020


To:       Participating Transportation Providers


Re:      Temporary Transportation Prior Approval Requirement Changes due to COVID-19





This notice informs providers of temporary changes in transportation documentation and policy requirements during the COVID-19 national emergency. The Department’s goal in implementing these changes is to reduce barriers to participant access to medical appointments and ease the burden on transportation providers. This information applies to prior approval requests and claims for participants covered under fee-for-service as well as HealthChoice Illinois managed care plans and the Medicare/Medicaid Alignment Initiative (MMAI) plans.


Prior approval will still be required for non-emergency transportation. However, effective with dates of service beginning March 1, 2020, until the termination date of the public health emergency, including any extensions, the Department will implement the following changes:


·         The HFS 2270, Physician Certification Statement (PCS) form will not be required for prior approvals or claims.

·         Participant signature requirements on trip tickets or to validate trips is not required.

·         Transportation to and from alternative destinations is appropriate for medical care (i.e., transports to and from a tent triage or stadium/convention center converted to a medical center).


These changes are temporary to control issues that may arise with our participant population due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Other potential changes may be implemented at the Administration’s directive. Updates will be posted on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates page. Providers are strongly encouraged to subscribe to Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services email notifications to be informed when new information is posted.


Questions regarding this notice may be directed to the Bureau of Professional and Ancillary Services at 877-782-5565.



Kelly Cunningham

Interim Medicaid Administrator