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Provider Notice issued 02/03/14

Updated Information Regarding Non-Prescription Emergency Contraception

To:​ ​Participating Pharmacies, Advanced Practice Nurses, Local Health Departments, Physicians, Federally Qualified Health Centers, Rural Health Centers, Encounter Rate Clinics and Fee-For-Service Hospitals
​Date: ​February 3, 2014
​Re: Updated Information Regarding Non-Prescription Emergency Contraception

The purpose of this notice is to advise providers of a change in the department's coverage policy for emergency contraception (EC). Recently, the FDA approved Plan B One Step® (levonorgestrel 1.5 mg, one tablet packet) as a non-prescription product for all women of childbearing potential. To date, this is the only formulation of over-the-counter (OTC) emergency contraception approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) without age restrictions. The department covers this product without a prescription for all women of childbearing potential. The department will continue to cover other EC products without a prescription consistent with the FDA approval.

Billing information regarding emergency contraception can be found in the Handbook for Practitioners Rendering Medical Services and the Handbook for Providers of Pharmacy Services.

Questions regarding this notice may be directed to the Bureau of Professional and Ancillary Services, at 1-877-782-5565.

Theresa A. Eagleson, Administrator

Division of Medical Programs