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Provider Notice issued 07/23/12

Clarification on Group Psychotherapy Procedure Codes

To:​ Enrolled Institutions for Mental Disease (Provider Type 38), Nursing Facilities (Provider Type 33), Physicians and Transportation Providers​
​Date: ​July 23, 2012
​Re: Clarification on Group Psychotherapy Procedure Codes​

Important Addendum

This addendum to the Informational Notice dated June 27, 2012, regarding Change to Group Psychotherapy Effective July 1, 2012, is being issued to provide clarification on the group psychotherapy procedures codes.

This addendum, issued by HFS on July 23, 2012, is now considered a part of the June 27, 2012, notice.

Group Psychotherapy Procedure Codes

The informational notice listed group psychotherapy procedure code 90857; however, this code is not covered by the department. The procedure codes affected by this change are 90853 and 90849.