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Provider Notice Issued 03/15/2021

Date:    March 15. 2021


To:       All Medical Assistance Program Providers


Re:      COVID-19 Vaccine Administration – Free toMedical Assistance Program Participants and the Uninsured  





This notice emphasizes to providers thatCOVID-19 vaccine administration is to be provided at no cost to participantscovered under traditional Medicaid fee-for-service, HealthChoice Illinois managed care plans,or the uninsured population including undocumented individuals.


MedicalAssistance Program Participants

Illinois Medicaid fee-for-serviceparticipants and HealthChoice Illinois managed care plan participantsshall not be turned down for COVID-19 vaccination services when vaccinationsare available to be administered. Services are to be provided at no cost to theparticipant. Providers should bill either the fee-for-serviceprogram or the HealthChoice Illinois managed care plan, as appropriate, for thevaccine administration. Providers will be reimbursed at Medicare rates forvaccine administration, per the COVID-19 fee schedule.



Uninsuredindividuals shall not be turned down for COVID-19vaccination services when vaccinations are available to be administered.Services are to be provided at no cost to the uninsured individual. The HealthResources and Services Administration (HRSA) COVID-19Claims Reimbursement to Health Care Providers and Facilities for Testing,Treatment, and Vaccine Administration for the Uninsured program reimburses providers at Medicare rates forproviding COVID-19 vaccine administration to uninsured patients, regardless ofpatient income, citizenship, or immigration status. For reimbursement, providersshould submit claims to the HRSA COVID-19 Claims Reimbursement Portal.


Transportation Coverage for Vaccinations

Non-emergency transportation services are availablefor Medicaid fee-for-service and HealthChoice Illinois managed care plan participantsto travel to and from a vaccine administration location to receive theirCOVID-19 vaccination.


Questions regarding this notice may bedirected to the Bureau of Professional and Ancillary Services at 877-782-5565for fee-for-service claims, or to the individualHealthChoice Illinois managed care plan.



Kelly Cunningham, Administrator

Division of Medical Programs
