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Provider Notice Issued 02/23/2021

Date:    February 23, 2021

To:       All Medical Assistance Program Providers


Re:      Illinois Medicare-Medicaid Alignment Initiative Statewide Expansion July 1,2021



As noted in the December 16, 2020 provider notice, theMedicare-Medicaid Alignment Initiative (MMAI) program will be expanding statewide effective July1, 2021. Providers of all specialties and localitiesare strongly encouraged to join the multiple MMAI plan networks as soon aspossible to participate in the statewide MMAI program.


Expanding the MMAI demonstration statewide willprovide all full dual eligible beneficiaries in every Illinois county with theopportunity to receive their Medicare Parts A and B benefits, Medicare Part Dbenefits, and Medicaid benefits from a single Medicare-Medicaid Plan, alsoknown as MMAI plan.



The MMAI program brings together Medicare, Medicaidand prescription drug benefits into one health plan. Most MMAI health plansalso offer extra benefits such as more dental care and lower prescriptionco-pays. All MMAI health plans have care coordination to manage all thehealthcare and long-term services and supports of enrollees.


Whyshould I participate in MMAI as a contracted provider?

MMAI aligns with Illinois’ overall efforts toprovide higher quality and more coordinated care, including:

            •       Better care througha clinically integrated, person-centered care model;

            •       Better value bysupporting reimbursement models that focus on quality, not quantity, throughfinancial incentives; and

            •       Better health forthe individual through flexible benefits aimed at providing the right care, atthe right time, in the right place.


Contractingwith Participating MMAI Illinois Plans

Providers are encouraged to join the MMAI plannetworks as soon as possible to participate in the statewide MMAI program. Contractingis also important for timely payment and continuity of care. As a networkprovider, you will be able to provide care to new and existingMedicare-Medicaid dually eligible patients while benefitting from simplerreimbursement systems and a team-based approach to care.


Pleasecontact the representatives listed below to learn more about how you can becomean MMAI network provider.


Aetna Better Health of Illinois

Name:  Gary Wagner

Title:  IL MMP Network Manager


Phone:  331-223-2594


BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois

Name: Rory Burke

Title: Manager Divisional Strategy


Phone: 312-653-2345                



Humana Inc.

Name:  Erin Maday

Title:     Medicaid Consultant


Phone:  847-736-9031


Meridian Complete

Name:  Alicia Landrum, MBA

Title:  Contract Negotiator III, Network Operations


Phone:  773-354-9544



Molina Health Plan

Name: Natalie Kasper

Title: Director, Provider Contracting


Phone: 262-271-6525





Questions regarding this notice may be directed tothe Department’s Bureau of Managed Care at

217-524-7478 or



Kelly Cunningham, Administrator

Division of Medical Programs​