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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Provider Notice Issued 12/11/2020

Date:    December 11, 2020


To:       AllMedical Assistance Program Providers


Re:      New Health Benefit Coverage for ImmigrantSeniors and Continued Emergency Medical Coverage for Persons Not MeetingImmigration Status



This notice informs providers of anew eligibility category for non-citizens age 65 and older who do not meetimmigration status for Medicaid coverage. It also reminds providers of existingcoverage of emergency medical services for persons not meeting immigrationstatus.


HealthBenefits for Immigrant Seniors

Effective December 1, 2020,medical benefits similar to those offered under the Seniors and Persons withDisabilities program (formerly Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled) will beoffered to non-citizens age 65 and over who do not meet immigration status forMedicaid. This state-funded special program is called Health Benefitsfor Immigrant Seniors. Covered services are those described in Chapter 100, Topic103.1, except for long term care services including the following:


         ·        Nursingfacility services

         ·        Home and Community Based services


The new benefits officially start December 1, 2020; however,participants may receive backdated eligibility for up to three months beforethe month of application, if eligible in each month. Coverage cannot be givenprior to September 1, 2020, regardless of the application date. For the startof the program, participants will be covered under the Medicaid fee-for-serviceprogram.


EmergencyMedical Coverage for Non-citizens Ineligible for Medicaid due to ImmigrationStatus

Individuals of any age who are ineligible for Medicaid dueto their immigration status continue to be eligible for federally matchedemergency medical coverage. The Department strongly encourages providersto continue to use the emergency medical process in place for individualsineligible for Medicaid due to their immigration status. As federal matchingfunds are available for emergency medical services for non-citizens, thefinancial resources for the state-funded Health Benefits for Immigrant Seniorsprogram above can then be better utilized to cover ongoing, non-emergencymedical services.


Illinois residents can apply for these medical programs in oneof the following ways:  1) online at ;2) by contacting a CommunityService Agency (helpis available in 59 languages); 3) by calling 800-843-6154; or 4)by mailing in a Paper Application


Questions regarding this notice may be directed to theBureau of Professional and Ancillary Services at 877-782-5565.



Kelly Cunningham

Interim Medicaid Administrator​