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Provider Notice issued 04/12/13

Elimination of Time Limited Provider Agreements

To:​  Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals who are Intellectually Disabled (ICF/IID)
(Formerly termed Intermediate Care Facilities for the Developmentally Disabled – ICF/DD)​
Date:​ April 12, 2013​
Re:​ Elimination of Time Limited Provider Agreements​

This notice is to inform ICF/DDs that on February 8, 2013, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a memorandum stating that provider agreements for ICF/DDs are no longer time-limited. As a result, an agreement issued to an ICF/DD will no longer expire as of a specific date and will remain valid unless there is a change of ownership or HFS notifies the facility the agreement is being withdrawn due to adverse federal or state action.

As a result of the SMART Act (pdf) provider agreements will be revised. Nursing Facility and ICF/IID provider agreements will be merged into one agreement, Form HFS 1432, Long Term Care Provider Agreement (pdf). Current provider agreements that expire prior to the revised agreement being distributed will continue to be valid.

If you have any questions concerning this notice contact the Bureau of Long Term Care at 217-524-7245

Theresa A. Eagleson, Administrator

Division of Medical Programs